Although I Never Liked Watching It, I Still Oppose the Ban on Porn in India

Rajeesh Nair
5 min readAug 4, 2015


Like every other kid, I also grew up trying to solve the mysteries about, “Where Do Babies Come From” and “Sex”. Yeah! I was smart enough to find out that both these mysteries were connected. Like every other kid of my age who entered adolescence, I was too becoming curious to find the answers.

In those days, internet was slowly entering India through cyber cafes in almost every big city and towns. Students and grownups used to flock around these cafes either to use Yahoo Messenger or surf through porn which was kind of big at that time. A site called created some sensation during that time just similar to how Savita Bhabhi was just before being shut down.

Here’s my story…

However, I was an innocent kid who entered his adolescence without any knowledge whatsoever. The fun part was that I assumed that Cyber Cafes were places which showed adult videos that you can watch paying their hourly rates. And that myth often kept me away from cyber cafes for a long time as I was scared to get caught.

Teenage is a tender period when kids want to explore each and everything they encounter with. Whether it’s about riding bikes, smoking weed, tasting alcohol, watching porn, getting laid or dating etc. This is the time of the life when these kids need proper guidance but they seldom get it. The answers to “what is sex” or “how are babies born” should come from parents or teachers but they don’t get it. Eventually, they look into internet for all the answers where porn industry is just waiting for an opportunity to lure them into their sexual fantasy world.

Fortunately or unfortunately, I never had access to the internet or better say even a computer in those days. Also, as I mentioned earlier, I never put up the courage to visit a cyber cafe then. So, I never got a chance to understand what pornography is all about.

Later, some of my friends planned to watch a porn film at a friend’s house who had a room on the terrace just for himself with a TV and a CD player that he just got as a gift from someone. Of course, I was excited so I joined in. We were four boys who gathered in his room to explore this mystery box of porn. Now I don’t know about those guys or even you guys on what you think about xxx porn videos. However, I felt disgusted watching them.

And since that day, I never got the urge to watch, visit or surf any porn site or video on the web. However, I won’t deny that I do enjoy and often watch Hollywood movies that involves explicit sex scenes such as the recent flick, “Fifty Shades of Grey” but xxx movies are completely no for me.

Then, why am I opposing the ban?

Watching porn is a closed room activity. As far as I know people watch it for pleasure just as people watch movies. It makes people happy and satisfied. Also it is definitely a great alternative to release your sexual cravings.

Also, watching porn doesn’t harm anyone. Being a great pastime to release your sexual cravings, it also helps keep person calm and peaceful most of the time. Banning porn sites is actually a hindrance into our personal lives.

By intervening and blocking porn sites, Indian Government is sneaking into our privacy uninvited. Being a resident of World’s largest democracy, it is mine and everybody’s fundamental right to make the choices whether I should watch porn or not. No authority, system, law in India can take that right away from me or the others.

I am also against the ban because Porn is a full-fledged entertainment industry that earns bread and butter for thousands of people involved in it. Nobody is forced into or trafficked from certain regions to work in these pornography movies. People indulging into sexual activity are shot with their full consent and handsomely paid for the same. If the one who are in the video don’t have issues, or the ones who watch have no issues, why the Government of India has issues.

When we don’t have any issues in displaying much called violence in our movies or cuss words in the movies why are we opposing sex which is nothing but making love. Claiming something against our culture can’t be a solution or reason to ban something. We live in a modern world where people should be given the chance of making their own choices and most of all it should be nobody’s damn business to assess or remark about what one does behind their four walls until and unless they are harming someone or threatening national security.

Also, we originated from the same land that introduced Kamasutra to the world. Our ancient carvings on the many temples like Khajuraho are the pure examples that our ancestors believed in this act of sexual pleasure. Hence, saying it to be against our culture is completely baseless.

So, where’s the problem?

The problem is not porn but the hypocrisy that prevails in the society against anything that’s foreign. I am also a firm advocator of the fact that porn is bad for young minds. But these minds are sensitive and filled with curiosity. Answer their questions rather shunning them down and guide them through their problems even if it’s related to sex or any such discussion.

We need to find the means of accessibility of porn to these children. If the parents don’t provide them with expensive smartphones or Cyber Cafes makes strict amendments regarding age restrictions at their centres as well as internet accessibility is secured from porn, then I don’t think these young minds will be misdirected or get addicted to porn.

I also believe that porn like any other thing in the world if used or consumed extensively can make one addicted. It’s completely fine to watch porn every now and then but to get addicted to it something that can have adverse effects on your life.

Finally I am concluding this article with a simple and humble message to everyone. Stop finding excuses or reasons for rapes happening in the country. Urges to rape is an incurable sickness that prevails everywhere in the world. The only solution to keep women safe is to keep these psychopaths closed in the psychic wards or behind the bars.

Only giving education to everyone has at least some chance to suppress this psychopathic mentality. Else, it is an incurable disease that prevails in the society and it must be terminated before it harms anybody.



Rajeesh Nair

A full-time #Atheist, #Writer and #Blogger. Wish to inspire, motivate and encourage people by examples… Founder of @PickDigest